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Hey, Cuties!

I have to apologise for not posting so frequently- I have been so busy with my online courses that I have created for you all to follow my simple technique in creating healthy long hair, in just five days, and a 1 to 1 program that is more tailored to your individual need where you have a 45 minute talk with me in helping with your natural hair regimen or any problems you may have and want to discuss with me, check it out here for more details!

I am currently doing another business venture and this is a big major one, I will keep you posted on the launch of that God willing, all goes well with my plans, I am just waiting for approval to come through.  Enough of me blabbing on, I want to talk about GREEN TEA! Yes, this tea has some wonderful benefits for your hair and your skin, if you don't drink this baby, after reading this you will want to.

What is Green Tea

According to Wikipedia green tea is a tea that is made from unfermented leaves and is pale in colour, it is slightly bitter in flavour and it is produced mainly in China and Japan.


The Benefits of Green Tea

The list is endless when it comes to the benefits of green tea, it is considered a "super food" and here are the reasons why.

  • Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have a powerful effect on your body
  • Green tea improves brain function, helps with fat loss and lower risk of cancer
  • Green tea is loaded with bioactive compounds that can have various beneficial effects on your health
  • Green tea helps to boost your metabolic rate and increase fat burning 
  • Green tea may lower risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Green tea is a good source of polyphenols, vitamin C and E that are helpful in stimulating hair growth and softening hair
  • Green tea helps to prevent hair loss
  • Green tea contains EGCG, catechins and flavonoids
  • It has anti-aging properties
  • It helps to reduce hair shedding due to the caffeine in the tea it blocks the hormone DHT which causes hair loss
  • It helps to hydrate your hair and improve complexion
I had to stop there as you can see green tea has many benefits that are endless! 

Green Tea For Your Hair

Green tea is great for your hair and helps to stimulate hair growth due to the essential components in this tea, green tea is used in the making of shampoos and conditioners because the elements in it help to boost lustrous hair. 

If you are having problems with HAIR GROWTH the best way to incorporate green tea is to conduct a green tea rinse by drenching 3 bags of green tea to half a litre of water, it is best to use after you have shampooed and conditioned your hair, you will be amazed at the results.  I will do a YouTube Video on this if you like!

What is a tea rinse

A tea rinse is done by pouring a cup of tea, commonly green or black, over the hair to reduce shedding or stimulate hair growth or to strengthen and thickens the hair, helps with dandruff and psoriasis.

How does it work

The caffeine in the tea penetrates the hair follicles the pores of the scalp and dissolve excess sebum ( oil produced by the glands).

Have you tea rinsed before using green tea? How has it worked for your hair?


1 comment:

  1. Indian+Brew+Logo

    I am a Green tea lover & I enjoy reading your blog a lot. I can definitely see a difference in my skin! Also my ability to burn fat with Green Tea due to its metabolic enhancing qualities.


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