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Healthy eating and working out all in the same context seems very daunting, time-consuming and nice to think about it, but not motivated to do it! How many of you agree with me? Well, I must say I have come a mighty long way if I don't say so myself!  My first venture in joining a group was with Slimming World.  I joined the group back in  November 2013 weighing at 14 st 13 1/2 lbs on the Food Optimising Plan, so it works in three simple steps, you choose your free foods and these are foods that you can eat as much as you like without weighing, you choose your healthy extras which are foods that are vital for your bodies like vitamins, minerals and fibre, so this would include things like milk, bread and cereals, which you can only have a small amount of and you do have to weigh them, then lastly you choose your sins, you are given between 5-15 sins a day of treats according to your current weight.

I was a bit apprehensive at first, as I did not believe that you could eat  a lot of carbs and still lose weight, but I tried it under the assumption that this would not work.  Within the first week I lost 3 1/2lbs   pounds and I made sure I ate as many carbs as I was allowed to that week, and I must say, I was proven wrong.  It clearly works, so I continued with the program until I reached my goal weight of 11 stone, to which I had exceeded it by weighing at  10 stone 9lbs. I achieved this weight within 1 year along with four days a week of intense exercise that I did at the gym.  I was well proud, I stuck to something all the way and I saw the results that I strived to achieve.

I decided to stop my membership with the slimming world group in June 2015, purely because I have been out of work, and could not continue to pay for the membership.  I continued the venture on my own for a year now, and I must say, I thought things was going well, but clearly it was starting to spiral out of control.  I often would step back, analyse what I was eating, which was pretty much what I ate when I was paying for membership, I had my odd treat days as permitted to do so, I exercised three times a day and just I was too confused as to where I gained the weight, but all I knew was that I had gained two stones bringing my clothes fitting into a size 14!!!



I did some research into different diet plans and compared them all with each other, and something struck me.  Slimming World is a great plan for a great weight loss, but not easy to maintain the weight after you have achieved your target at least that is what I found out.

I looked at a  calorie diet by Rosemary and her plan 321 Feasters Plan is the one that caught my eye. What feasters tend to do is to wait until meal times to eat, but once they start eating they find it difficult to stop, which is what I do or did!  That means that you tend to eat fast and feel hungry afterwards.  When you eat slower and the food arrives into the intestines it realises a hormone that transmits a chemical signal through the blood and to the brain that tells you that you are full, but it seems as feasters we produce fewer of these gut hormones, hence the weight gain. Such is life, but I chose to make a quick u-turn to change a great habit of a lifetime, since August 2016 I decided to do this plan along with a 30-50 min workout every day as required to do so in this plan.

How the 321 plan works is that I had three light days of only eating 800 calories for the first week and these days was alternative days, and the rest of the other days I could consume 1500 calories or whatever calories I was permitted to have, according to my weight.   My weigh- in day was on  Friday, so I would always weigh myself first thing in the morning before my workout.
During the second week I would start on the step 2 plan of having two light days of eating 800 calories, then the rest of the other days I could consume up to whatever calories I could eat according to my weight.

This was continued up to when I have hit my goal target, after that I would have 1 light day of 800 calories to help maintain my weight for as long as possible.   I do everything online as It is convenient for me that way, plus I am very good at keeping track of my daily eating plan, weigh-in and talks with my consultant if I needed some guidance.  I only pay £12.00 a month and I get as much information online and via email. The plus side of this plan is that you can change to other plans if you feel that this one does not sit right with you.

Due to my honest commitment, in the second week, I managed to lose 1 stone, I was happy and felt so much better in myself, I was on top of the world man....and yet up to this day I decided to continue this plan unto I reach my goal that I am happy with which is not far to go I have 5lbs to lose.   Every week I would lose 2-3lbs, some weeks 1lb and others 4lbs and at times I managed to maintain,but  through it all what this has taught me that exercise is so important and something that needs to be done in my opinion every day, even if it is 15 minutes of your time, it will benefit you in the long run.

The key to losing weight is to eat HEALTHY and slowly.  They say 70% of your weight loss is through eating healthy and the 30% is exercise!!

It makes so much sense doing a calorie diet, as everything you consume is all calories, from fruits to veg everything, you will be so surprised as to how much calories you can consume in just one day!!




I can truly say that I am able to wear a size 10 clothing but I like to buy a 12, one size bigger to give me that extra room and I intend to keep it this way for as long as possible even if that means that exercising every day is key to having a healthy and happy lifestyle!  I want my kids to live and to learn by my healthy habits and to harvest what I do into their lives from now all the way to when they grow up I intend to be their inspiration at all times!


1. Choose a plan that works for you
2. Stay committed
3. Find inspiration to help keep you motivated
4. Exercise every day!!
5. Have one day to treat yourself!!
6. Do not wait on others to join you, go ahead and do things for yourself!!
7. Download a fitness app that will help to calculate your calories burnt this will keep you motivated seeing your results of working out! I use My Fitness Pal it does everything from gardening, house cleaning, walking etc.

Now it is time to stop talking about things, and put your words into action now, do not wait until tomorrow, as you know that day is not promised to us, so live each day that has been given to us and make a difference!


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