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Ok now!, I know I am late on the bandwagon, but there was a valid reason why I chose not to jump on board.  I am very sceptical as to what I put in my hair, and the thought of using dry shampoo on natural hair, I often had doubts if dry shampoos would really work in my opinion.

I know many will say, "You will never know, until you try",  or "You should never judge a book by its cover". Which I agree with both of these statements, so I took a bold step in purchasing a dry shampoo just to see what my personal thoughts are.

I am so happy to have created a Natural Hair Group called Ask Natures Natural Hair, I ask my members in the group if they have used Dry Shampoo before? And what was their experience with using it?. The responses back were good and bad, some felt it left dry marks in their hair, others said it works really well and others have not tried it before.  So I chose to be that example to the group to try this shampoo out and to provide them with my thoughts.  I purchased one called " Batiste" and the Coconut & Exotic Topical one at that because the others did not seem appealing to me.  

About Batiste

Batiste has been the UK’s Dry Shampoo brand for over 30 years, offering consumers the fastest and easiest way to great looking hair.

Their Fragrance range leaves hair smelling as great as it looks. So whatever life throws at you will come out smelling of roses or cherry or tropical.

Their new Stylist range gives you the power to instantly create any look even on dry hair! For Instant Volume, Wavy Beach Hair, 24hr Hold or to Tame that Frizz, Batiste Stylist has a product for every style.

If you want to Pump Up The Volume, our Volume range is the one for you. 


What is Dry Shampoo?

Dry shampoo is any substance applied to the scalp or hair to get rid of oil, debris, and odour without using water.You can make home versions using items such as talcum powder and various herbs and spices.

Dry shampoo has been around since the 1970s but has been gaining popularity in the last few years because of the solution to most of having the opportunity to refresh your hair until wash day, without having to use any other products to refresh your curls. The starch and silica in dry shampoos simply absorb oil that has built up on strands, leaving them an unencumbered and refreshed. 


There is a saying that says,"Do everything in moderation", and this saying really does apply when using dry shampoo in your hair.  It has been recommended not to use this as a permanent substitute for wet shampoos, it may work well for the occasional use when shampooing with water is not always an option for you to do at the time, while it will not cleanse your hair thoroughly as wet shampoos can, if you have low porosity hair that is prone to product build up, you may find that powdered shampoos will not absorb into your hair and scalp properly.  It is advisable to use dry shampoo from time to time rather than everyday use!
I heard you guys, and I want to see if I can deter you from giving up on using dry shampoo because it isn't all that bad. I find that when you can master the technique of using dry shampoo, it can work wonders for your hair until you are able to properly wash your hair.
Watch my short video on How To Use Dry Shampoo On Natural Hair

Other Dry Shampoo Brands










1 comment:

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I noticed you didn't brush it out. Is that not necessary? I have low porosity hair. Are there any alternatives for me?


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