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By Natalie Monteith

My daughter has never liked having her hair combed, brushed or even touched so the thought of managing her hair as she became older was daunting.

I've always been good at cornrows and plaits but I use to stick to what I knew growing up "Vaseline on the body as well as the hair, hey Vaseline is a multi-purpose product!" But as my daughter's hair started to thicken up around the age of 2, I found that Vaseline was too weighty and her ends would still be quite dry. I began using pink moisturiser (another childhood favourite growing up) and although this was good for a time I needed something more depending on the style. I soon came to realise that when I added water to her hair it was easier to manage but I didn't want it to dry out. That's when I discovered the Cantu collection via nature's natural hair Instagram page.


Using Cantu range (the shampoo, conditioner, spray and leave in detangler and the curling cream) Works well with my daughter's hair and balances the moisture. The curling cream is brilliant for when I want to twist her hair and combine it with cornrows. 




This can last for a few weeks. I also like to use a product by Shea Moisture called Raw Shea Butter Extra-Moisture Detangler. I find this works well on the hair as well as on the scalp, it smells great too.

So long as my daughter is occupied with a film, some books,  a few sweets, plus these products to help detangle her hair to prep for a week lasting hair style then we get through it. I don't have to bother her for a week or two and she gets to go to school happy with lovely hair styles!

                               ------------------------------------ Natalie Monteith---------------------------------

Wife and mother of two beautiful children, shares her story on how she manages her 4-year-olds hair, her story is truly inspirational, she has provided helpful tips and tricks on how to occupy your child while doing their hair.  Do share your experience like Natalie and help to inspire others!! What products do you use in your child's hair? What is your regimen?

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