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When you have children, as well as conducting a routine hair regimen for yourself, you now have to consider one for your kids too, and one that pretty much fits around everything else that needs seeing too.  Deciding on a good and simple regimen for my kids was daunting because I have two girls who have two completely different texture of hair, and hair that takes much longer than mine to wash, moisturized and style.  So I guess this may apply to the majority of you out there, who can appreciate what I am saying.

I am all about making things simple and less complicated, time is no longer waiting for no man, and so I need to make sure that I am making good use of time.  I have a simple regimen for my two and I am happy to share this with you, in hope that this will be very helpful to those of you, that hasn't yet put together a regimen for your kids.

My kid's hair regimen incorporates the following:

Shampoo & Condition

Co-Washing my kids hair is not possible, My three-year-old has really thick 4C hair and she has either food, paint and some sort of thing going on in her hair, and so I know I need to clarify her hair, in order to get rid of that or any build up she may have in her hair.  I personally like to wash her hair once a week, I do not bother with the deep conditioning or the protein treatment, as my child has not patience for that process to happen, just a simple wash and condition of hair, followed by the LOC method will suffice.

My 10-year-old has lashings of lovely thick 4a hair, and she attends swimming lessons too, so I know that before she attends swimming, I must apply a conditioner to her hair before she places her swimming cap on.  This will help to protect the hair from the harsh chlorine.  I have to wash her hair straight after swimming, as well as apply conditioner to help soften her hair, I then apply the LOC method to her hair and conduct a protective style.

Shampoos I use are as follows:

- Creme of Nature Shampoo and conditioner Treatment 
- Cantu  Care Nourishing Shampoo & Conditioner 

My Three Year Old Wash Day

Saturday: Shampoo, Condition, LOC, Style

My Ten Year Old Wash Day

Tuesday: Condition, Shampoo, Condition, LOC, Style





This part of the process is a lot harder for me when doing my three-year-old hair, I always have to make sure her hair has been detangled during the wash and rinsing process, in order to make life a bit more handy for the detangling process. I have to distract her with a game on my phone, in order for me to apply the Cantu Conditioning Detangler or Soft N' Pretty Shea Butter Detangler, which is very good and moisturizing for her hair.  It paves that way for me to detangle with ease, providing less discomfort for her. Finger detangling is the greatest tool I use in her hair.

I like to use Dream Kids from African Pride Detangling moisturizing conditioner, in my 10-year old's hair, it works really well in making detangling much easier for me and also less painful for her.


Lock In That Moisture

Applying a really good leave-in conditioner is very important, this is what I consider the base, the foundation of applying a leave-in to help pave the way to a really good LOC to their strands.  Not only will my kid's hair receive added nutrients and moisture following from a good wash and condition, the outcome from using a great leave-in makes their hair really soft, manageable and it helps to prevent breakage due to strands being moist.  I like to use in my younger one's hair Aunty Jackies Knot Havin It! Leave-in and for my older daughter the Ors Monoi Oil Leave-in Conditioner.


Moisture & Oil

Applying a jojoba oil to help seal in that water and leave-in is one of the best methods for my kid's hair, this process is one that I like to do on a daily basis throughout the week leading up to their wash day.  I like to use lashings of the African Pride Dream Kids Miracle Creme, not only does it provide protection in helping to keep hair strong and healthy, it helps to reduce breakage and dryness and softens their hair, it really does provide that in my older daughter's hair, more than my younger one.  I like to use in my younger one's hair a product called Soft n' Pretty Coco Curl Up Moisturising Pudding,  it does fight frizz, it helps to strengthen her hair and leaving hair really moist, a little of this applied, goes a long way.



Trimming off hair ends or split ends as we like to call it, is part of a regimen I like to incorporate into my kids regimen, as well as mine.  I only trim the ends, as and when its is necessary to, if I see any split ends I will trim it away.  I like to assess the hair first, to judge if it is necessary to trim my kids hair ends, I look to see if there is any damaged split ends or anything that seems out of place when I am detangling their hair, this will tell me that it is time to trim.  

Style That Hair Please

Protective styling is a go-to hairstyle for my two girls, who really has time to be styling their hair every day! Protective styling does wonder for their hair, and hair growth too, and their ends are protected from the elements that they are constantly being exposed too.  I am very mindful when it comes to their hairline, I do not conduct any tight style that creates pulling and tension to the hair.

Regardless whether their hair is in a protective style, I like to keep their hair moisturized every day leading up to wash day, and this can simply be a spritz of water to their hair, followed by jojoba oil and a moisturizer to keep hair moist and sealed as long as possible.

The Outlook 

Here is an outlook to my two girls hair regimen, it is very simple I like to make their regimen as easy as possible and less time consuming.


Sunday: Moisturize LOC/LOCO/LCO Day/Night Cover hair at night time
Monday: Moisturize LOC/LOCO/LCO Day / Night Cover hair at night time
Tuesday: Swimming day for 11 yr old- Condition, Clarify, Condition, Moisturize, Protective Style Cover hair at night time
Wednesday: Moisturize LOC/LOCO/LCO Day / Night Cover hair at night time
Thursday: Moisturize LOC/LOCO/LCO Day/ Night cover hair at night time
Friday: Moisturize LOC/LCOC/LCO Day / Night Cover hair at night time
Saturday: Wash day for 3 yr old, Clarify, Condition, Moisturize, Style Cover hair at night time

Now patience, love, and consistency is key to providing healthy, strong and long hair for your little one's, it is important to find time to ensure your kids hair is never dry and deprived, if you are organised like me, then your calendar on your phone will be your best friend, not only does it alert you it will keep you on track at all times, so no excuses!

What is your child's hair regimen? 


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