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So you must be mad, mad, mad like I am sometimes, when you spent some time doing a wonderful twist out in your hair, having great expectations of having wonderful results.  So the next day has come, and it is time to reveal those fantastic curls from you twist out.  Wait... wait a minute... so you start to unveil the fist twist, and all you can see is frizz, and a utter mess in front of you.

So what has caused this to happen? Because there is nothing more frustrating in the world, when you are faced with sheer disappointment.  You often wonder how many naturals manage, to get the perfect twist out and they do the same thing that you have spent time doing, and yet yours do not look nothing like theirs! Not even close.

Well I have a few pointers for you to see the possibilities, as to why your twist out is a failure, but that;s alright, that cliche saying "dust yourselves off and try again" will always stick in our minds, whenever disappointment appears! Self encouragement, will and determination will help us to pull through this it always does!

Styling on Wet Hair

This is always a major factor for failed twist or braid outs, if you insist in styling your hair wet, the results will often speak for itself.  In order for your styles, to come out effectively, you must allow your hair to air dry, or dry on a cold heat completely, before applying your styling products, in order to conduct your twist or braid out style.

Product over dose

Most of us are heavy handed, come on you may as well admit it, because I can be, it too me a while to learn that less is more!  Using too much product is another factor that will contribute to the failure of your twist or braid out.  This will leave your hair limp, and leaving your hair caked in product, conduct a trial test and try to use less amount of product, but use enough so that your twist out will be a success and strands feeling moist and not dry leading to frizz.

Twist out technique

There is a technique to conducting a really great twist, I was a lazy natural when it came to twisting my hair.  I would twist my hair fine, then when it reached near the end, I would catch hair from the other strand, to try to balance enough hair in the twist..  When it came to taking the twist out, I got knots, and a lot of frizz! This lazy technique clearly did not work, how you go about twisting your hair, will always determine your outcome, trust me, do not carry over hair from the other strand, try to create a balanced and equal amount of hair, before twisting and ensure there is a continuation all the way without borrowing hair, this will work a treat!


This perhaps should be the first thing done, before styling your hair. As you know, if your hair is not detangled and each section of hair is thoroughly free of knots, then you will have a problem in styling your hair.  I cannot stress this, do make sure that your hair is detangled first before you start to style your hair, it will make your life. so much easier.  When I do my twist out, when coming to the end, If I see any untidy ends, I trim it away, I want my twist out to look flawless, and free from frizzy hanging ends from my flawless twist or braid out.

Know I hope this has helped, and I do hope that your twist or braid out comes out just how you imagined it! Do you have a technique that you can share. that will help to achieve a successful twist or braid out?

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